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46. You can correct your taxes for the last three years!

Updated: Feb 18, 2022

1040x Corrected Tax return. True Story #1

Important! You can correct your taxes for the last three years! (All names are changed) Clients Alice and Erik came to our office with a recommendation from their friend. For the last couple of years, they were using another accountant. Erik was telling Alice for a while that they need to look for a second opinion and they were glad they came to our office. When we looked at their taxes, we immediately noticed that they were not signed by the accountant who prepared their taxes. It was sent to the IRS stating, that Alice and Erik did their taxes on their own. So, when we evaluated their taxes we found that Alice and Erik did not claim the biggest refund available for the Earned Income Credit. Alice and Erik have a child and did not receive a refund for two years. After we amended their returns, they received a check from the IRS for $4296.00

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