Tax Preparation
Welcome to United States Tax Services, Inc. We provide quality tax preparation for individuals, independent contractors, and business owners. Make an appointment with our highly skilled tax professionals and complete your tax return filing quickly, accurately, and in a warm, friendly atmosphere. We are here to help you every step of the way.
Ask about our Tax Planning! Making smart tax decisions today can lead to thousands of dollars saved in the future.
Personal Taxes
Personal Tax Preparation starts at $200. Additional charges will apply for clients with real estate investments or a large number of stock investment forms.
Prices starting at $300 for Independent Contractors (Forms 1099-NEC)
Business Taxes
Prices vary from $250 up to $1,500 or more. Business returns with no income or expenses start at $250. All other business returns begin at $700 and vary in price depending on complex factors such as asset depreciation, asset disposal, gross income, etc.
We can even review your last 3 years of returns for mistakes to make sure you get your maximum refund!
Tax Planning & Consulting
With our tax planning services, we will conduct a full analysis of your individual financial situation and we will work together to create a plan to reduce your future tax liability. Tax planning is an important step to ensure that your individual activity, businesses, and investments are working together to build wealth and minimize your tax burden. One tax planning session can save you thousands of dollars over the course of your life. Don't wait until taxes are due, plan ahead and you will see the rewards of a great tax plan.
Tax Planning
Appointments - Starting Price is $400/Hour - It is essential for new business owners, independent contractors considering incorporation, and other high-income clients to meet with our tax advisors in order to create a plan to save on their future taxes.
Appointments - Starting Price is $400/Hour - We can answer your questions about business, individual, and investment taxes and a number of other topics.
We also offer consulting on a number of issues regarding business incorporation and dissolution, paying your children from your business, IRA and traditional 401k plans, etc. Make an appointment to discuss any of these issues at your convenience.